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Long Row Primary and Nursery School

Inspire, Respect, Belong




“Our belief is that all children have the right to a stimulating learning environment where they are motivated to learn through the provision of a varied and exciting curriculum.  We promote excellent standards of behaviour, have high expectations and are committed to high standards of achievement for all our pupils.”


At Long Row we: -

  • Provide a safe learning environment, which promotes creativity and a curiosity of the wider world.

  • Encourage children to be confident, independent lifelong learners.

  • Encourage children to have a positive view of their own self worth, enabling them to feel secure and valued as individuals within the school community.

  • Provide an inspiring, challenging environment for ALL children so that they can become highly motivated learners.

  • Develop an ethos of support, challenge and encouragement to succeed.

  • Develop the whole child, nurturing and extending their spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding.

  • Provide equal opportunities for ALL children.

  • Teach children a sense of responsibility showing respect for others and the environment.


Nursery Sessions


We are a maintained nursery school and offer places to 3 and 4 year olds term time only. 


Nursery hours/sessions are as follows - 

8.45-11.45 - am session

12.00-3.00 - pm session

8.45-3.00pm - 30 hours 


All children are entitled to 15 hours of funding and these can be taken over either morning or afternoon sessions. If your child requires additional hours, these must be funded using the Government 30 hour funding or by paying £5.36 per hour- payable through The ParentPay app. To find out more about 30 hour funding, please visit the Derbyshire County Council website or


Please call the school office for more information and for a tour. 


