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Long Row Primary and Nursery School

Inspire, Respect, Belong

Pastoral Support

Pastoral care is at heart of everything we do at Long Row Primary School and Nursery. All staff are trained and available to support you and your child's needs. The pastoral team includes 2 Senior Mental Health Leads, 3 Safeguarding Leads, an Attendance Officer/Learning Mentor, PSHE and RSE Lead. If you have any concerns, please speak to your child's class teacher, in the first instance, or the pastoral team on the gate in the mornings or ring to make an appointment. Staff will decide what and who may be the best support. This could be work in school with your child, a class assembly, a PSHE lesson, playground support; a family workshop, or asking for help from external organisations.

Please see below for lots of useful information. Links can be found below under the subheadings. 

Derbyshire County Council Update for 2024


Cost of living

Domestic abuse and controlling behaviours

Divorce and Separation Support

Health Advice

Neurodiversity support

Parenting advice

Potty and Toilet Training Advice

Samaritans and Suicide Prevention


