Home Page

Long Row Primary and Nursery School

Inspire, Respect, Belong


Funded by the PTA

Please see our video resource centre for images of the recent playground markings funded in part by the PTA. 


Drone credit to DroneOn, Mr Wilson




Latest update May 2024


Chair – Rachael McCredie


Co Chair – Danny Keen


Treasurer – Joanne Talbot


Secretary – Elizabeth Cooper


Communications Officer – Melissa O'Gorman and Anna Wooley




***Next meeting: May 10th 2024 @ 8.45-10am. (All welcome, including children)***



Who are we and what do we do?


The PTA are a group of parents with children in the school ranging from Nursery through to Year 6.


We get together periodically to discuss events and ideas which we think would benefit the school and the children. We also aim to give the children a fun activity or event to look forward to along side raising much needed funds for the school.



Who do we work with?


We work closely with the school teachers who consult with the children to find out what they would enjoy, use and appreciate.



What is our aim?


Our aim is to raise money for the school, predominantly so that it enhances the children’s experiences directly. We try to do this through fun activities that are open to all and we welcome all suggestions and help!


Money raised and donations/purchases made


From September 2023 to April 2024 we have raised over £2500 via second hand uniform sale/clothing collections (£153.95), refreshments stands, the sponsored bounce (1256.76) and the much loved children's Christmas cards design/sale (£243.75)


We have also donated over £4100 from last year's funding to pay for new sports wear for the children to wear when competing in the inter school competitions. As well as 10 new trikes/bikes for the EYFS playground, and the coaches to the Christmas pantomime.


Our next challenge is to replace the much loved trim track on the field. This is a wooden structure used for balance and the children love using this at lunch and playtimes. It has been requested by the children to have this fixed ASAP.


A Huge Thank You

Of course, all of this wouldn’t have been possible without the support from those of you at home! Without your donations, offers of help and fundraising suggestions, this wouldn’t be possible. We would like to thank you all for your continued support.




Date's for the diary


Friday May 10th Next PTA meeting.

Thursday May 23rd Spring Fair 

Friday 5th, 12th 19th July Lolly sale after school.



PTA Newsletters
