PSHE stands for Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education. At Long Row, PSHE is our umbrella term for our social, emotional, moral, cultural and relationships education. Relationships and Sex Education (known as RSE), is included in our PSHE curriculum.
We are proud to announce that we have achieved the GOLD Award for our policies, values, governor and parent involvement, leadership and our documentation and support for RSE across the whole school!
We received our award certificate July 2024.
In October 2024, we achieved the SILVER award and in December 2022, we achieved the Bronze BERT award for actively promoting the development of wellbeing and belonging across the school community, our sequential, progressive curriculum, meeting children's needs, confident staff, safeguarding practices and the engagement with our children and parents.
The awards recognise and celebrate the achievements of the wellbeing agenda in our school and we are now working towards the gold standards, which focus on specific area we are developing.
PSHE is vital in a child's education. At Long Row, we aim to provide high quality PSHE through explicit lessons and 'in the moment' teaching and discussions as needs arise. The PSHE curriculum is based around the Derbyshire County Council’s ‘PSHE Matters’ framework and is implemented on a two-year cycle: A and B. We also include 'Special Days' to enhance the children's learning, including, but not limited to: Children in Need, Red Nose Day, Anti-Bullying Day, Pride in Belper and Internet Safety.
Every half term, EYFS through to year 6 focuses on learning around a core unit focus. Lessons are taught in a safe classroom environment, where rules and boundaries are established, through a variety of age-appropriate ways, including videos, photographs, scenarios and stories. Objectives and learning from other units will also be addressed if needs arise with classes, groups or individual children to ensure positive relationships, safety and well-being.
Children may have an identified behaviour or difficulty at home, which is not seen in school. If this arises, we encourage parents/carers to ensure we are aware - talk to your child's teacher, as we can provide support through books and stories available from our parent lending library or if needed our in-school pastoral referral, which includes lunch club and nurture provision.
For more information on the parent lending library - click this link: Parent Leading Library - supporting relationships, health and wellbeing | Long Row Primary School
For links to external agencies which can offer parental support, please visit our pastoral page: Pastoral | Long Row Primary School
You can also follow this link for a range of supportive documents, including unit overviews with support links, our lending library catalogue to support behaviour and well-being at home and our parent consultation documents PSHE | Long Row Primary School