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Long Row Primary and Nursery School

Inspire, Respect, Belong


Mathematics plays an important role in our lives, being used in so many everyday activities, such as shopping, cooking and keeping on time.

At Long Row, we strive for all children to enjoy Mathematics lessons and have an excellent understanding of the mathematical curriculum. We want all pupils to leave our school confident in the application of the subject.

Mathematics is taught daily and discretely.

We use the White Rose Maths scheme of learning (together with Little Big Maths in EYFS) as our main planning and teaching resource. This scheme provides teachers with exemplification for maths objectives, which are broken down into fluency, reasoning and problem solving (key aims of the National Curriculum). This is a cyclical curriculum, building on previous knowledge from EYFS throughout school to year 6. White Rose supports a mastery approach to teaching and learning and has number at its heart. Teachers keep the needs of their pupils paramount, so will adapt plans as required. Please see the individual year group overviews below. We support pupils working together as a whole group, providing extra support or challenge as required. For pupils with SEND, we will modify, adapt or scaffold their learning, as appropriate, in order to encourage maximum outcomes. We often employ the ‘concrete-pictorial-abstract’ sequence of learning in that we use hands on manipulatives (such as place value counters or diennes) before progressing to pictorial representations of the Maths (such as bar models or part-whole models) and only moving on to considering abstract understanding when the pupils are confident with the previous step.

At Long Row, we believe that if firm foundations are established in key concepts, then children are able to develop a deeper and more cohesive understanding of complex mathematics as they develop. As we believe that consolidating previous learning is so important, before we can build upon it, we begin lessons with a ‘5 in 5’ recap activity. Moreover, during discrete purely fluency (across the curriculum) sessions, we aim to further ensure that pupils keep previously learnt concepts at the front of their minds; being fully aware that if a topic is only taught once per year that this understanding can be easily lost. In addition, pupils in Key Stage 1 and 2 use the times tables software, TTRockstars, as an exciting strategy for consolidating times table knowledge.

Overview of our Mathematics curriculum at Long Row - to meet the National Curriculum Programme of Study, Aims and Objectives.

Our Calculations Policy (February 2023)

Addition and Multiplication fact recall expectations (by year group)


Mathematics in action at our school-
