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Long Row Primary and Nursery School

Inspire, Respect, Belong

PE Curriculum

PE is taught throughout school based on the National Curriculum and materials provided by our sports partner, Amber Valley School Sports Partnership (AVSSP). AVSSP is a sports charity which represents the community of Amber Valley and surrounding areas to raise participation in sports and physical activity.


It is our aim at Long Row to provide a thorough and inclusive PE curriculum whilst inspiring children to participate in sports and physical activities throughout their life. We monitor participation not only during lessons, but in the wide variety of intra and inter school competitions and events that are offered through our partnership with AVSSP. We also provide a wide range of school clubs with the aim of inclusion throughout school. Our aim is for every child to have represented Long Row Primary school in a competition or event during the school year. Through the curriculum offered, our pupils have the opportunity to build on prior learning and develop their knowledge and understanding by following professionally developed programmes and lessons. Children are also taught the importance of exercise through sports participation and the effects that sport and physical exertion have on health. Our school culture has the SMILERS initiative throughout its ethos; the children are encouraged to 'Move' during PE lessons, other lessons, clubs, competitions and breaktimes,


At Long Row, by using resources and time effectively, we modify, adapt and scaffold lessons in order that all children, including those with special educational needs, learn and make progress.

In the EYFS, pupils have opportunities to develop physically through play, coach supported lessons and via continuous provision.  Following "Development Matters" as a cornerstone to their learning, pupils are helped to explore and develop physically and mentally.

In Key Stages 1 and 2, pupils take part in two hours of PE lessons following National Curriculum objectives, supported by the AVSSP scheme of work. Pupils are encouraged to build on their Early Years experience and begin to play competitive sports whilst continuing to enjoy physical activity. At the end of a unit, which supports competition, children often take place in intra school competitions representing their house team.

As children move into Key Stage 2, they work towards having a clearer understanding of why physical activity is beneficial both mentally and physically. Building on their work in Key Stage 1,they play a wider variety of sports and continue to take part in intra school competitions. We provide children with the chance to take part in a wide variety of sporting pursuits that are also accessible within the locality, often signposting children to, an increasing, number of local clubs.



The National Curriculum states that by the time children leave Year 6 they should be able: to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over 25m; use a range of strokes effectively; and perform a safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.

At Long Row, we recognise the importance of swimming as a life-skill. As part of our PE and Sports offer, our children go swimming throughout Year 5 and 6. Their swimming lessons are hosted  at Belper Leisure Centre and are taught by Derbyshire County Council swimming teachers supported by Long Row staff.

We assess the children's progress using the Derbyshire County Council assessment criteria and award scheme. We aim for all of our children to be water confident and swimming the national curriculum expected standard of 25 metres by the end of Year 6.

PE at Long Row
