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Long Row Primary and Nursery School

Inspire, Respect, Belong

Year 5 and 6

What a great start to the week with a wonderful walk in our local area. The children spotted human and physical features, different settlements and land uses and made sketches of the river. We had some lovely feedback on the children’s behaviour from the public – well done! Mr Jenkins class will go this week. We also had a go at orienteering around the school and working out geography vocabulary anagrams. Not forgetting making up dance moves to famous landmarks in North America in PE!  

Our next stop in geography, is our main focus on America. We will be starting with North America for this half term before moving on to South America.  

If anyone has any knowledge, artefacts, photographs or anything interesting to share, which will help the children understand migration, climate, landmarks, rivers, mountains in North or South America please send us an email! 
