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Long Row Primary and Nursery School

Inspire, Respect, Belong

Stunning Starfish History Showcase Autumn Term 2021

This term the Stunning Starfish have been taking a journey back through time to lots of different periods of history to look at where, when and how people lived.

It has been a topic we have all thoroughly enjoyed.


We hope you enjoy looking at some of the work that we have been doing.


Stone Age

We started looking at how people lived in the Stone Age and what early settlements might have looked like. We discovered that houses changed quite a lot during this period from first living in caves to building one room stone houses with thatched roofs.


We enjoyed creating out own cave art using chalks (it was extremely messy….but fun! ) and tried to reproduce Stone Henge using only biscuits!



Iron age and the Roman Invasion of Britain  

Next we moved forward through time to learn about Iron Age Hill forts and the cities that the Romans built. We compared the two settlements and thought which time in history it might be been better to live in.


We had to learn some new words to describe some of the buildings found in Roman towns and cities such as the Forum, the bathhouse, aqueduct and amphitheatre.



The Aztecs and The Mayans

Next, we travelled to a different part of the world to find out about other ancient civilisations and how people lived there.


We made fact files to describe who the Aztecs were, when they lived, where they settled and what their cities looked like.


We created some fabulous art work that would have been used to decorate temples and other buildings and were offered to the Gods.



