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Long Row Primary and Nursery School

Inspire, Respect, Belong

North America Mrs North

North America!

Year 5/6 have been extremely creative in representing their research of the climate, weather, biomes, population and human and physical features of North America. Each group was given the task of finding out all the information they could and then representing what they had found out in any way they wanted.

First, we moved all the tables and chairs to create space for North America in our classroom, then we had to outline the continent and borders with string, until finally, we were let loose to be creative! We have rivers made out of paper, mountains made of chairs and fabric, paintings, a Lego statue of Liberty, volcano pots, snow (lots of art straws used here!), the northern lights have been painted and a beautiful glittery fabric hung, the icy winds from the North and warm winds from the South have been strung up on clothes lines and formed a hurricane!

We will be adding an animal zoo and joining an indigenous tribe (Wednesday) and then we will be presenting our ideas to the class. 😊
