Year 3 and 4 were very excited to have a virtual visit from Kirsty McCabe, who is a meteorologist and is often on TV sharing the weather forecasts. She was able to share lots of interesting facts and information about different weather types, how forecasts are made and how the water cycle works. The children took part in a virtual quiz and had opportunities to ask questions linked to our Topic work. We were also pleased to hear that this weekend should have some good weather! Year 3 and 4 were very excited to have a virtual visit from Kirsty McCabe, who is a meteorologist and is often on TV sharing the weather forecasts. She was able to share lots of interesting facts and information about different weather types, how forecasts are made and how the water cycle works. The children took part in a virtual quiz and had opportunities to ask questions linked to our Topic work. We were also pleased to hear that this weekend should have some good weather!