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Long Row Primary and Nursery School

Inspire, Respect, Belong

Relationships Education

The importance of children's physical, emotional, social and mental health and Relationships Education linked to the Equality Act 2010


PSHE is vital in a child's education. At Long Row, we aim to provide high quality PSHE through explicit lessons and 'in the moment' teaching and discussions as needs arise. Below, you will find lots of documents to provide you with information about what we're teaching and when. This includes: the PSHE unit cycles, the PSHE and RSE policies, unit overviews for the current unit being studied, Government and Long Row specific information on the statutory requirements of RSE, our RSE parent consultation results, a document on answering awkward questions, information on our lending library and our parent group. Plus, new activities to print off and do at home all around changes, emotions and relationships provided by the Derby and Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group as part of the NHS.


We hope you find this information useful and it answers most of your questions. If you have any questions or require further information about what your child will be learning, please contact their class teacher or the PSHE subject leader, Mrs North. Our school RSE, wellbeing and safeguarding governor is Emma Monkman. Please also look at: Staying safe online | Long Row Primary School where we have a huge range of advice for online safety, cyberbullying and guides and advice for all kinds of games and apps.


In July 2024, we are proud to have achieved GOLD in Derbyshire County Council's new BERT awards 'Building Effective Relationships Together' - this celebrates all the work we do as a school to promote Relationships education to children and the partnership with parents and Governors.

Parent Forum


Each year we invite all parents from across year groups to events and meetings to help us reflect on and improve our provision for relationships education at Long Row. 

We discuss

  • PSHE curriculum and RSE

  • The impact of the parent lending library

  • Support the production of new parent guidance

  • Put forward ideas and suggestions to further support parents

Children may have an identified behaviour or difficulty at home, which is not seen in school. If this arises, we encourage parents/carers to ensure we are aware - talk to your child's teacher, as we can provide support through books and stories available from our parent lending library or if needed our in-school pastoral referral, which includes lunch club and nurture provision. 

For more information on the parent lending library - click this link: Parent Leading Library - supporting relationships, health and wellbeing | Long Row Primary School

For links to external agencies which can offer parental support, please visit our pastoral page: Pastoral | Long Row Primary School

RSE provision consultation 2024

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For information on our Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) provision from nursery to year 6 across our PSHE curriculum, please view our NEW video.

Guidance Documents and Links
