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Latest News from Long Row Primary School

  • i-Vengers team

    Wed 22 Dec 2021


    Our school has a fabulous i-Vengers team, who are our digital leaders for Internet Safety. Please click the link and watch their 12 top tips on how to stay safe online. They have worked incredibly hard to produce this video and have also produced a fantastic poster for every class. Well done for all their hard work.

  • Successful Seals

    Mon 20 Dec 2021

    This term, we have been focusing on our key question ‘How has the past shaped our future?’. We have been thinking about how many different periods of history have changed our lives today. Throughout the term we have learnt about: The Bronze Age, Ancient Sumerians, Ancient Egyptians, Roman Britain, Ancient Greeks and The Industrial Revolution. The children have been amazed at how different life used to be, especially for children. Below are some photos of our trip to the mill, as well as some pictures of our work and the children’s own creations that they developed themselves. 


  • Tremendous Turtles

    Mon 20 Dec 2021

    Year 5/6 have been incredibly busy since September learning all about different periods in history. We have studied the impact the Bronze Age, Ancient Egypt, the Romans, Ancient Greece and the Industrial Revolution had on our future. We have made Roman mosaic, had a go at writing our own language, had a few parliamentary Sparta versus Athens debates with a voted for speaker, been lucky enough to visit our local Belper Mill and more! The children have been creative and showcased their work this week in anyway they saw fit. 


    I will let the children’s work speak for itself - please see below examples of our work this term and check out the class page for photos from our trip to the mill. Excellent work everyone! 

  • Perfect Penguins

    Mon 20 Dec 2021

    This term the Perfect Penguins class have been taking a journey back in time to lots of different periods of history. We have been eager to answer our key question, ‘how has the past shaped our future?’ 


    We started looking at the Bronze Age and the impact it has had on society today. We looked at a process called ‘smelting’ to create new tools and also studied the invention of the axe and wheel. After this, we explored the Romans and enjoyed working on drama performances to share our findings with each other. We talked a lot about how hygiene has developed and how the root of sanitation was the great engineering works of the Romans, with aqueducts bringing water in and drains to keep the streets and houses clean. Then we moved onto learning about the Ancient Egyptians and explored the invention of the calendar, bowling, toothpaste and water dams in response to the flooding of the River Nile. After this, we learnt about the Ancient Greeks and how we have them to thank for developing the Olympic games and introducing democracy. We talked a lot about how education has changed over time too! Finally, we learnt all about the Industrial Revolution and went on our trip to the North Mill. We had a wonderful day and discovered a lot about our local history and the life of the Mill workers. 


    In Science this half term, we have been learning about the circulatory system. We have been exploring how the blood travels around the body and what components make up our blood. Take a look at our pictures (resisting the temptation to eat the skittles and marshmallows was difficult). We also discussed how we can stay healthy, how exercise impacts the heart and how alcohol and drugs can impact health.  


    Finally, I wanted to share our stories from English this week with you too. They are based on The Snowman by Raymond Briggs and the children have done brilliantly! We hope to read some of these to a selection of reception children.  


    Excellent work Year 5! 

  • Jolly Jellyfish - History Showcase Autumn Term 2021

    Tue 14 Dec 2021

    This term, the Jolly Jellyfish have learnt about three Historical events; The Great Fire of London, The Gunpowder Plot and The First Flight.


    The Great Fire of London 


    We explored when and where the fire started and the reasons why it spread so quickly. We used drama to explore how people tried to put the fire out (no fire engines in those days!) We also drew pictures and wrote about the fire, made our own pieces of art work and wrote a diary, inspired by Samuel Pepys.


    Here’s some of our amazing work!  

  • Stunning Starfish History Showcase Autumn Term 2021

    Mon 13 Dec 2021

    This term the Stunning Starfish have been taking a journey back through time to lots of different periods of history to look at where, when and how people lived.

    It has been a topic we have all thoroughly enjoyed.


    We hope you enjoy looking at some of the work that we have been doing.


    Stone Age

    We started looking at how people lived in the Stone Age and what early settlements might have looked like. We discovered that houses changed quite a lot during this period from first living in caves to building one room stone houses with thatched roofs.


    We enjoyed creating out own cave art using chalks (it was extremely messy….but fun! ) and tried to reproduce Stone Henge using only biscuits!



    Iron age and the Roman Invasion of Britain  

    Next we moved forward through time to learn about Iron Age Hill forts and the cities that the Romans built. We compared the two settlements and thought which time in history it might be been better to live in.


    We had to learn some new words to describe some of the buildings found in Roman towns and cities such as the Forum, the bathhouse, aqueduct and amphitheatre.



    The Aztecs and The Mayans

    Next, we travelled to a different part of the world to find out about other ancient civilisations and how people lived there.


    We made fact files to describe who the Aztecs were, when they lived, where they settled and what their cities looked like.


    We created some fabulous art work that would have been used to decorate temples and other buildings and were offered to the Gods.




  • Super Seahorse Curriculum Update

    Mon 13 Dec 2021


    What a busy term we have had! Based on the theme of ‘settlement’, our history work has covered several different time periods, from the Stone Age to the Ancient Maya civilisation. We learnt how settlements had changed, including the development of larger towns, such as in the Roman times with more sophisticated buildings including amphitheatres, temples and bath houses.  


    As part of the topic, we also built Aztec temples out of sugar cubes, created Stone Age style cave paintings, replicated Stone Henge using biscuits, and we’re currently producing travel brochures about Chichen Itza. 


    We also worked on chronology (timelines), sources of evidence, and comparing and contrasting (including when looking at Iron Age hillforts). 


    In other lessons, we have produce impressive work too. These include fabulously detailed instructions for ‘How to catch an Iron Man’ (in English), beautiful Rangoli patterns (in R.E.) and a slick dance (in P.E.). Our handball teacher has been so pleased with our progress in our Thursday P.E. lessons; the growth in skills and real sense of teamwork has been super to see. We have also enjoyed our Forest Schools sessions. 


    Please have a look at the photos to see just a small selection of our learning this term.  

  • Delightful Dolphins - History Showcase

    Mon 13 Dec 2021

    The Delightful Dolphins have been super historians this half-term and have enjoyed finding out about Florence Nightingale, Rosa Parks and Neil Armstrong. Take a look at some of their fabulous work!  

  • EYFS - Latest News

    Thu 09 Dec 2021

    Our EYFS children have been very busy over the last week, learning, exploring and having fun with friends!  


    Here's some of the topics that your child/ren have been covering and we have included some lovely pictures for you too.



    Our story this week is ‘The Gingerbread Man’. We have enjoyed learning to retell the story using lots of expressive story language and story actions. In our story, the gingerbread man didn’t want to get his feet wet in the river so we decided to find out why. We put some gingerbread biscuits in water and predicted what we thought might happen:

    “He might sink.”

    “He might get soggy and mushy.”

    “He might get frozen today.”

    “I think he will get drained down to sea.”

     “He will get washed up on an island.”

    Some children suggested that we put one gingerbread man in hot water and one in cold water. This is what we discovered:

     “He’s going soggy quickly in the hot water.”

    “The cold water reached his neck.”

    The children checked the gingerbread biscuits over a few days and decided that the biscuits were beginning to disappear. A few days later they noticed that they were going mouldy and this created lots of interesting discussions.


    Snow Play

    It snowed this week!! We had lots of fun playing in, and exploring the snow. The children recognised that the sun would come out and melt the snow soon.

    The children searched the playground for ice and found lots and lots! We discussed that the ice started as water in the trays, tubs and tyres and because it had got very cold the water had turned into ice. In some places the ice was very thick and incredibly heavy to move. We looked at the thickness of the ice, patterns that we could see in the ice and the different shapes of the ice. The children investigated what happened when we dropped the ice and spent time digging and transferring the snow around the playground using wheelbarrows.

    “It’s too cold to hold.”

    “This ice is very slippy.”

    “It’s making my hands wet.”

    “Ice can be sharp so we need to be careful.”

    “I am making footprints in the snow.”

    “This ice is really heavy.”

    “It is really hard to break.”

    We really enjoyed making snow castles and rolled the snow into large balls so we could build snow people together. Super teamwork!!


    Which part of the gingerbread man did we eat first?

    We all love eating gingerbread men and we wanted to find out how we all eat them! We all had a gingerbread man to eat but we didn’t want to eat them all in one go like the fox did! We were very careful, just taking one bite and then finding out which part we tasted first….was it the head, the leg or the arm?

    We went around the circle and asked which part each person had eaten first and recorded their answer on a tally chart. The children were able to talk about which part of the gingerbread man was most popular to eat first by looking at the number of tally marks on each part of the chart.

    After we had filled in our tally chart, we were able to gobble down the rest of our gingerbread men! Yummy!


    History this term

    This term our history has been learning about how we have grown and changed from babies into toddlers and then into the children we are today. We had lots of fun ordering our photos, talking about how we have changed and what we did then and what we can do now.
